Saturday, May 10, 2008

Day 7 - May 9th, 2008

Today was more of a formal day than anything else. In the morning, we went to Fujitsu-Siemens, which is the company I will eventually have to present on. It was pretty neat, but the man giving the tour spoke kind of broken English, adding in a "ja?" about every ... word. The tour was not as enganging as Riegele, but I guess that no tour will be. (Except Audi? Please?)

After Fujitsu-Siemens, we went to another company to take a tour, this one being KUKA, the robotics manufacturer. They make robots, for example, for BMW's assembly line. It was pretty neat to see them, but this also wasn't the most riveting tour on earth. I actually spoke with Jens, one of the Germans in my group and one of two Germans studying at Pitt next semester, a lot in German during the downtime in the tour when the tourguide wasn't speaking. He made me very jealous, as he told me his dad worked at BMW, he grew up around them, and had an internship there. Needless to say, we talked cars a lot.

After the site visits, some Germans (Jens, Sonja, Sarah, Christine, Annette) and Americans (Me, Evan, Pat, Josh) went to a little outdoor cafe and got some food/drink. I got an apple strudel, which was just great. I could get used to this European life. Afterwards a bunch of us went to this Italian resturant that was delicious. Although 4 of the 7 of us, myself included, ordered "Peperoni Pizza" and found that it was covered with green peppers. Oh those Germans.

Later that night Me, Steve, Mike, Evan W, Cali, Erica, and Mark walked around the city, kind of looking for ice cream. We eventually got some and then sat down at another outdoor cafe and got some drinks. We just sat and talked for about an hour or two until 11, which was exactly the lifestyle I could get used to...

1 comment:

knitwit4162 said...

Ok, how much weight have you gained??? It seams like this is still all about the food! Glad you are having such a good time...miss you...oh, did you order my Audi yet???
Love, mom

Oh, how can I email you? What address are you checking?