Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 9 - May 11th, 2008

So today was a pretty somber day. We visited the concentration camp Dachau. I had been there once before, in 2004, but there's so much history there that you cannot really read it all, or absorb it all, in one trip. It sucks, I can't really say much more about it. It was a horrible part of German history, and luckily places like Dachau exist as a memorial to those systematically exterminated there, and as a reminder of what humans can do to each other. Long story short I left without saying more than about 10 words in the 3 hourish span we were there, and left with a pretty bad headache.

Later that night we got Chinese food at a Chinese buffet, which was pretty chill. John led the group on a very roundabout route, so me and Mike, led by Steve, seperated and took a different route, beating the group there by about 5 minutes. We unassumingly chilled an outdoor cafe till they got there. The food was pretty good, they had these baked apples and bananas that were pretty delicious.

Later that night we chilled out in the stairwell talking for a while, then I went to bed. It was a pretty intense day and I just wanted to get some sleep.

Happy Mother's Day Mom <3

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