Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 8 - May 10th, 2008

München Day 2!

Today was a trip to Das Deutsches Museum, which, as Steve-o told us the other day, could take as long as 14 days to cover every exhibit, if you spent just one minute at each one.

...It didn't take that long.

About 10 of us hung around with Phillip (Who is one BAMF, which we taught him), and checked out some exhibits, specifically chemistry and biology since a lot of us were ChemEs in the group. After about an hour and a half we left. We headed over to the Hofgarden (, which as Steve-o described, "It would be where Max und Ludwig would come to barbeque." We sat in the lawn, laid out, and relaxed. It was pretty nice. We talked a bit, listened to street musicians playing around the garden, and watched some pretty girls walk by (and a lot of PDA actually...).

We met up with the group at 7 at the Hofbräuhaus, which is a huge beer hall famous for it's one liter stines of beer. It was good food, a Bavarian band in the band, Bavarian dancing, singing, yodelling, and of us course, drinking. Oh, and soccer hooligans. Soccer hooligans are everywhere, and I hear if you hit THEM in the arm, they don't go down for 20 minutes like soccer players do.

After the HBH, we had to sprint to get to our train back to Augsburg, which we barely made, but made nonetheless. Afterwards me, Mike, Steve, both Evans, Andrew, Pat, Mark, Cali, and Erica went to the Yum Club, which was a dance club. At first it was awkward, because the girls forget their IDs, so we were in there just kind of standing around in a crowded, really hot, techno-pumping dance club. But when he got there it was a little less awkward, but we still didn't know the culture, so it didn't really work asking girls to dance or anything. We ended up staying and dancing till about 2 am, which was great. There would be about 4 to 5 American songs that we would bust out singing word for word and dance to, then like 4 to 5 really heavy techno German songs, and then when it started to get really unfamiliar there were the 4 to 5 American songs again. Germans do not know how to dance to American songs (No one but us got low during Shawty Got Low), and they dance really awkwardly in general to all songs. Awkward Turtle...

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