Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 3 - May 5th, 2008

Today was a very long and tiring day, but a fun one nonetheless.

We had to meet outside the hotel at 9:00, and breakfast at the hotel was open until 8:30, so we got up and got some. They give you very good rolls, butter, Nutella, OJ, coffee, yogurt, and I guess what we would call lunch meats. We left the hotel and went over for our first look at the Universität Augsburg (University of Augsburg). Two of the German students, Jens and Sonja (who are also in mz group for Fujitsu Siemens) gave presentations on the city and university, which were pretty neat and informative.

They brought lunch in, and we got to eat the famed Weißwurst (White Sausage), a picture of which can be found on wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wei%C3%9Fwurst. They also had what tasted like a hot dog but was thinner and a lot longer, plus more of those great rolls from breakfast and Bavarian pretzels, of which I had a lot.

After lunch we did this scavenger hunt across Augsburg (3 Americans paired with a German), which took us to some of the neatest parts of the city. We climbed 261 stairs (We had to count them!) to the top of a tower which provided a great view of the city. We also got to see the town hall, in which there had to be over a million dollars worth of gold and paintings. We visited the newest shopping mall in the city, which was very nice, and we got to go inside two of Augsburg's cathedrals. Additionally, one person from the group had to memorize part of a German poem, which I did. Overall, we got 2nd place, and we got lots of candy.

After the contest we went back to the University, and had a Pizza and Movie night. The pizza was square, thin, and had less sauce and cheese (New York style you might say), which was different. We watched "Euro Trip", which was a hilarious freaking movie. Mom, pick that up for me :)

After the movie we went back and hung around the hotel. Some people went out to Murphy's Law Irish Bar, but I was way too tired. Me, Erik, and Jeff talked for a while, then I crashed.

Today was a pretty interesting day. We got to meet the Germans more, and explored a lot of the parts of Augsburg that I wouldn't have otherwise gotten to see. During my leisure time I'll probably go back to take some more pictures.

As a final thought: SCREW THESE KEYBOARDS. They're so different, and the Y and Z keys are switched, which is really screwing me up badly. Or "badlz" as I typed it about 3 times...

1 comment:

knitwit4162 said...

So, it sounds like it's all about the food so far....Good, because I love German sausages and can now make them at home! How's speaking the language going? I sent the blog address to all the family, so they can keep up now. Get lots of pictures!
Love, Mom

Oh and PS: You need a better battery for this laptop!