Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 12 - May 14th, 2008

Spezi is the best drink ever invented. Ever.

Today we got up at the crack of dawn to take a bus to Audi's headquarters in Ingolstadt, about an hour and a half drive. When we stumbled out of the hotel at about 7:15 we were greeted by a doubledecker bus, which was the coolest thing ever. Naturally, I went for the top of the thing. And this guy could DRIVE, he was taking his bus down some narrow streets.

We got to Audi a few minutes late, but still got started on time. We took a two hour factory tour, which was amazing. We got to watch a video on the entire 2,000,000 sq. meter site, see the A4 and part of the A3 assembly lines, watch a video on car paint technology and how they paint the cars, and we saw KUKA robots in action, which would have made KUKA's tour about infinitely more interesting.

After the factory tour they gave us a little presentation on the outlook and company stategy leading up to 2015, which I found pretty interesting. Lunch was great, where I of course feasted with homemade Spezi. After lunch we got to spend about an hour in the Audi museum, where we saw a boatload of old cars, leading right up to the present day.

Then, as if the day couldn't get better, we took a bus over to an Audi complex a few blocks up the street, where it was time to see everything about the R8. Look at a picture of this baby: First, there was a short presentation about how they make the showrooms to help customers feel more at home, then we got to have some quality time with the R8. Everyone got to sit inside of one, and we all took sooo many pictures. Then, Jens, our guide for the day, got in, turned the key, and revved the engine. All jokes aside, I think every guy there wet his pants and had his knees turn to jelly. It was amazing. After we said goodbye to the baby (This car is backordered 2 years, so you can't even get one until 2010), we had one final presentation on how Audi works with customers after the sale.

On the way back, me, Steve, Mike, Philipp, and Sali played Bullshit on the second story of the bus, which was cool. I was about to win, then Sali had to win on me, but oh well. Philipp had about all of the deck in his hand at one point, since he would call bull on everything. Those Germans.

Today was Mike's birthday, so a bunch of us and a bunch of the Germans went out to celebrate. First we stopped at PowWows which was an outdoor cafe to sit, and people got some beers or drinks, though I tried a pretty good white chocolate cappacino. Then after walking to 4 bars, we came upon Das Weisses Lamm, which was a really great place. There was a lounge we sat in and talked with each other. Sarah's and Laura's boyfriends came, and they were nice guys. It was a really chill night, and we got to spend some time with the birthday boy.

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